Thursday, March 20, 2008

My "I"

Just in case you don't yet have a picture of Isaac's fun personality, perhaps this will help!

Happy Spring (Part 2)

And what says spring better than a little mud--ok, a LOT of mud! The boys started digging in the back yard, then decided to fill the hole with water, which of course evolved into making mud balls and "splashing" in the mud. And before you know it, they were riding their "dirt bikes"--coating the tires of their bikes with mud and then tearing around the yard. Boys!
Cleaning mud off the patio: 40 minutes
Cleaning mud off the boys: 20 minutes
Cleaning mud off the shoes: haven't even gone there yet
The mud on Isaac's smiling face: priceless!

Happy Spring!

I just love this time of year! The air smells so good, the flowers are blooming, the pear trees are covered in delicate white blossoms, and the sky is a beautiful blue. We're outside again and enjoying the sun on our faces. Everything is new again, a timely reminder of the newness of life brought by Jesus' sacrificial death on Calvary. Hallelujah! He is RISEN!

Growing up too fast

Ian lost his first tooth last week! He was very excited about the whole thing, but when he went to look in the mirror at his new look, he nearly passed out! I'm afraid we don't have a future medical professional!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Turn up the volume!

We've added some of our favorite songs to our blog, so turn up the volume and check out our playlist at the bottom of the page. Enjoy!