Saturday, September 20, 2008

Do you know the muffin man?


I love the fact that I get one on one time with Isaac after Kindergarten ends at 11:45. Yesterday we decided to make some muffins together. Isaac proudly filled the muffin cups for me. He's a great little chef, and so cute in his "just my size" apron.
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Backyard Crazies!


The boys are trying to eek every possible afternoon out of our pool before it's too cool. But they don't stay for long before their goosebumps force them on to other adventures. The other day it involved tearing around the yard on this tractor, a favorite hand-me-down from Trevor and Torin. Oh, the giggles that filled the air!
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Monday, September 8, 2008

My sister, my friend


Somehow, I made it through the whole week without a decent picture of my sister. But I couldn't let that stop me from bragging about her a bit too--though now that I've started this post I'm finding it hard to even put into words.

Susan is truly a beautiful woman of Proverbs 31 caliber. Beautiful inside and out. She is my little sister, and yet I look up to her. She is a strong woman of God (no pun intended). She is my confidant and my encourager. I can trust her to listen and understand. We've been through such joys together and such depths of sorrow. She is an unwavering reflection of love and grace. She is talented in so many ways--as a mom, teacher, business woman, worshipper, and wife. She amazes me the way she juggles it all so selflessly.

I love you, Susan. I'd choose you as my best friend even if God hadn't chosen you as my sister. You are so precious to me. Thank you for the ways you've poured out of yourself and into my life.
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A bad day fishing is better than a good day at work!

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Just look at those smiles! No words needed.

Look mom, no training wheels!

On one of our daily rides we ran into these guys. Johnny is a newly training-wheel-free rider! My boys were so cute, encouraging and cheering him on. He was proud to show off his new skills.
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Fake out

This is not the picture that goes with this post, but it will have to stand in...

The other highlight of my week was getting to sail with David. I hadn't done that in years. It was fun to try my hand at the tiller once again. And yes, we almost went overboard! Susan has the pics of our sailing. I was in the boat. Christopher also really enjoyed it and has a new love.
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There goes Isaac!

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I'm so glad that I made the effort to squeeze the boys' bikes into the back of our little Saturn wagon. It was so worth it! Thanks to the fact that David brought along an extra bike, the boys and I were able to enjoy riding around Lakeside together every day. It was one of the highlights of my week. It's something I remember enjoying so much about being at Lakeside as a child, and now something I've shared with my own boys.
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Beauty at its best

(Certainly can't count on David for the sunrise shots though!)
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That crazy photographer again!

I have to admit though, his hard work yielded an awesome shot of the sun setting over the lake, the pavilion lit against the darkening sky. He's good at what he loves.
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Golfing Lessons

Maybe we were crazy, but we took them all down to the miniature golf course one evening. The sun was setting beautifully over the lake, a Christian band was leading worship in the gazebo, it was perfect! The clubs were swinging and the balls were flying. Did I mention it was like trying to herd worms? Emily actually beat three of the older boys, but she had a great coach! (and I beat Uncle David too--just had to throw that in there)
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Head in the Sand

This is one of my favorites of the week. It just makes me smile. Zach, up to his chin in the sand. Too cute!
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Happy swimmer

Emily loves the water! Can't get enough!
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Learned something new... sister has a ticklish nose. It's quite hysterical to witness, actually. She really flips out!
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Men in charge

This is what happens when men are left in charge of the kids. The TV got pulled out for the first time and yes, that's David sound asleep on the couch! (I have a close up shot of him if you insist on proof. Those eyes are closed!)

Meanwhile, the ladies went shopping! We found (but didn't buy) a lot of cute things. And then there were the sweaters! Tempting at half price. I wish I'd had my camera. As it is, mom is the only one with evidence. Thank goodness she doesn't blog! They were hideous!
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Shuffleboard--a Lakeside classic

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All Seven!

I may be a little biased, but these are just great kids! It's so fun to see their unique personalities and giftings. I'm so thankful for all the ways they made us laugh! It was busy and loud at times, but worth every moment! L to R: Isaac, Johnny Barton, Christopher and Emily Strong, Ian, Zachary Strong, Andy Barton
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David's at it again!


My brother has a gift for photography, and this was his most often sited pose--snapping away at someone or something. Here he was capturing the kids throwing rocks into the lake at sunset.
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Splashing in the surf

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77 steps to the top

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Just a cool shot...

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Marblehead Lighthouse


We climbed to the top for a great view of Lake Erie. It was especially fun for my boys after all our lighthouse studies back in May. Emily slept through the entire climb to the top, only to awaken at the bottom and insist "I want to go in that big house!", pointing to the top.
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I taught Johnny and Andy how to play Yahtzee one day. Andy takes his games very seriously and was quickly addicted. Here he is teaching Emily how to play. He was so serious about it, showing her how to shake the cup just so. Too cute!
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And again...


That just looks like crazy fun!
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Throw me, Uncle David!


Ian takes off for a splash landing!
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