Saturday, April 18, 2009

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

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Isaac's finish!


Isaac was the youngest runner in today's 5K and came in well ahead of most of the adults and in 3rd place for the "Men Under 18" age group. Both boys ran the entire race, stopping only for a quick sip at the 2 water stations. That's his PE teacher, Nicole Gallier, running beside him. She's done a great job training the boys for this event!
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The Finish Line is in Sight!


Here's Ian as he turned into the Y parking lot, headed for the finish. Both feet are off the ground--did he fly through the whole race? I'm not sure, but I know he's been on a high ever since this morning, proudly wearing his second place medal all day! What a great smile, especially to be wearing it still at the end of the race!
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