Monday, August 17, 2009

The kitchen is all unpacked!

Yeah! Now maybe we can eat something besides fast food--little too much of that these past few weeks! Thanks to my mom, the boys and I sat down to a home cooked meal of meatloaf, baked potatoes, beets, and Belgian bread. Served on real plates even. Feels good to be making this our home after 4 months in limbo.
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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sweet memories of good friends

I'm finding myself really missing all my precious Greenville friends these days. The Fishers gave the boys these two cute magnetic guys as a reminder of some fun times throwing their own magnetic duck onto their fridge and judging his landings. They make me smile everytime I see them.
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Saturday, August 15, 2009

We're HOME!!!

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

A work in progress

We are nearing the day when we will move into our new house and finally unpack all the boxes we've been living with for 4 months! Most of my work has been painting all the white walls. Larry is tackling the hard stuff. He (and 4 young boys) ripped up all the carpet in the dining room and he has now built my little "mudroom" at the back door. Next step--lay the laminate flooring! Lookin' good! And all this comes after Larry's week at the extreme home makeover. What a talented guy! Great brother-in-law to have around.
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Monday, August 3, 2009

First home cooked meal...

...In our newly blue kitchen!
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"Know why I saved all my Sprite?"

"So I could drink it all down and burp really loud!"

Gotta love boys!
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