Sunday, January 31, 2010

Good Quote

“Our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but only empties today of its strength” -Spurgeon

Friday, January 29, 2010

Betcha didn't know there was a zipline at Grammy's!

Ian has spent the afternoon dreaming up this lego zipline. Looks like fun! Can I try?!?
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Friday, January 22, 2010

Random thoughts and recommendations

Product recommendations:
1. Butter Pecan cake mix (by Betty Crocker)
2. Butter cream icing, for #1
3. Caramel Bugles. The perfect sweet and salty combination. Enough said.

Sometimes Isaac is too smart for MY own good. Tonight I let the boys fill up little bags of Jelly Belly's at the store. When we got home, I of course planned to sequester them up nice and high where it would take parental permission to obtain. Isaac, foreseeing this tragedy, cleverly removed some of the jelly beans from his bag, put them in a ziploc bag, and hid them in a lower cupboard. He wisely left some in the bag so I wouldn't notice his bag missing. Unfortunately for him, I found them in the cake pans while baking #1.

Maybe I should hide the cake from myself!

Bunk Buddies

When we moved to Ohio, the boys' bunk beds moved to Aunt Susan's to help house all the boys when they spend the night there. Today Ian and Isaac got their long promised replacements! They're sure to have sweet dreams under their new down comforters--on clearance for $15 at Target!!! Now let's see if Isaac will actually be able to fall asleep without his brother snuggled next to him. They had a twin over full before and usually slept together on the bottom...
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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Breathtaking Beauty

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