Saturday, May 3, 2008

Just for fun!

Say Cheese!

Last of the Bridges--I promise!

We ended our bridge studies with a field trip to our favorite park winding along the Reedy River. With about 7 bridges in a small area, there were plenty of opportunities for the boys to test their new-found knowledge as we identified and examined them all. From beautiful stone arches to basic beam construction to the amazing "Freedom" suspension bridge, there was no room for gephyrophobia! (fear of bridges). The Freedom Bridge is especially unusual as it is suspended from only one side. This "week" of school that turned into 3 weeks will be a tough act to follow. Good thing next week is our last week of kindergarten!

More Bridge Fun

This week we finished up with some "movable" bridges--above you see our vertical lift bridge, draw bridge, and swing bridge. We've had so much fun with this study! Isaac knows who John Roebling is and how he died. Do you?