Friday, July 24, 2009

Some serious 2 o'clock shadows

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Prize Winning Lion

Near the end of the school year the boys and I were studying lions and decided to make a lion sculpture out of whatever we could find lying around the house. This is how he turned out, and I just couldn't bear to part with him quite yet when it came time to move. So despite the eye-rolling of my friend who was helping me pack, he earned a stow away ride in the dining room hutch.

Then I learned of the library's "build an animal out of recycled household items" contest and just knew he'd fit the bill. His body is a large tin can covered in construction paper, feather covered paper plate mane, dowels from cloth wall calendars for legs, egg carton cups for feet complete with plastic fork claws and teeth. My favorite is his tail, made out of a frayed out shoelace that picked up lots of grass in the soccer field--Isaac gets credit for that idea.

It appears the judges agreed and our little lion won first place! Now there's a reason to be a packrat! Just don't tell my parents. They don't need any further justification!
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The solution for too much arguing...

...Just organize a water flute band! They can't talk and it demands cooperation.

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Friday, July 17, 2009

It's official

The airshow parade has begun!

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Like mother, like son

The sun has set on a busy day of birthday celebrating--breakfast at Bill's Donuts, a day at the Newport Aquarium, and a picnic dinner with my wonderful family. We played hard and will now sleep well. Ian and I had to take the trash out to the road when we got home tonight and this is how we found Isaac when we came back in. My family used to always tease me about how "stiff" I slept. Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I don't know if I ever balanced my stuffed animals quite like that though!

Thanks for the many kind birthday wishes. I'm so thankful for my loving family!!!
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I'm trying to remember how to ride a bike.

My family bought me a great surprise for my birthday. My brother nearly ran me over with it before I noticed what was up!
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Friday, July 10, 2009

One less tooth to brush

Isaac has joined the toothless, money-hungry world of first graders, courtesy of Aunt Susan on Wednesday. Say cheese!

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Up close and personal

Isaac used his "first tooth" loot to purchase a bug vacuum today. We caught an awesome moth on the back porch!

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Thursday, July 9, 2009

1st Annual G.D.L.L. Convention

While the global politicians prefer locations like Europe, apparently the grand-daddy long legs have chosen our porch ceiling. There were 14 out here tonight as we relaxed on the swing (that is, until I caught wind of their "summit"--these guys are giving me the willies!)
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Friday, July 3, 2009


The latest Clone from Star Wars-- aka Happy 11th Birth Day--made by yours truly for my nephew Christopher. Hard to believe he's getting so old!
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Hey little birdie

The boys found this empty nest and decided it wasn't complete without an egg.
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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Generation gap

The closest Francis Barton will ever get to being on a blackberry.
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Goofy Brothers

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My nickname for Isaac has always been "Sweetness wrapped in baby skin" or "Sweets" for short. See why?
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Picture this

We're all out at the ballfield cheering on Christopher's team on this, his 11th birthday.
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A walk in the garden

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