Somehow I missed these pictures with that last post!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Spontaneous Science!
To say that spring fever has hit teacher and students alike here would be an understatement, so today I awoke and decided to leave behind desks and books in favor of a trip to C.O.S.I. in Columbus. The drive and cost were well worth the fun we had exploring science! We watched rats play basketball, saw a 3D "extreme screen" movie about dolphins and whales that was breathtaking, experimented with vinegar and baking soda, watched a fun chemistry exhibit, explored underwater worlds, lifted a car with a giant lever, shot balls through the air with air, and much, much more. The highlight for Ian was his ride across the high wire on a unicycle. I'm still amazed he was brave enough to do it (I wasn't!). He also got to help turn a banana into a hammer with a little help from liquid nitrogen. Isaac loved the space exhibit, and we all got a kick out of "grossology" (the science of farts and burps and all things "boy"). We'll have to go again, as I feel like we barely scratched the surface.

Friday, April 16, 2010
Mudroom shelves
My brother-in -law Larry custom built shelves in each end of my new mudroom. They turned out just perfect! A place for everything--now if we can just get into the habit of putting everything in its place!
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Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Isaac's Birthday Purchase
Since the boys have a shortage of Legos (NOT!), Isaac decided he needed to use his birthday money to purchase this incredible power miners set. For the record, I cleaned the living room while the boys tackled this one alone. Looks pretty complicated, but they did it! Isaac asked that I title this "how to torture a rock monster."
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Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The Birthday Party!
We celebrated Isaac's birthday with the cousins at a nearby park/skate park. Isaac requested an "I Spy" cake this year, which we turned into a game. In the frosting were hidden various items which each guest had to find--things like: a yellow button, a Lego wheel, a blue jelly bean, a pink shoelace, a black Lego brick, a Mars Mission alien, or a piece of carrot. Can you spot them?
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Happy Birthday to Isaac!
What a precious son I've been blessed with! I remember hearing the doctor say "It's a boy!" And feeling so grateful that Ian would have a little brother. And he is so appropriately named--he sure keeps us laughing! He is the king of funny faces and all things speedy! He has become quite the baseball player. He is playing coach pitch this year and today was their first chance at batting practice. He hit all three pitches the coach threw at him! Isaac is technically in first grade, but does some second grade work along with Ian. He is a great reader and loves art. He is also still the one who loves to snuggle up in my lap for some "huggles." I am blessed! I love you so much, my "sweetness wrapped in baby skin!" Not so much of a baby anymore...
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Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Inaugural bike ride of 2010
We dusted off the winter's dust and pulled out our bikes today! Such beautiful spring weather we're having. It always feels good to breathe the fresh air and work these muscles God gave us. The trees are blooming and the skies are blue. Perfect! I'm glad we live so close to this great bike path. Makes riding with kids much less stressfull!
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Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sunday, April 4, 2010
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