Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ian: two!

...And I've baited enough hooks to get me nominated for mother of the year! But since I got to enjoy a beautiful sunset and the smiles of my boys, it was worth it!
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And the score is...

...Isaac: one
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Off to catch the big one

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Almost makes me WANT to do laundry!

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...And the perfect start for the new day!

Patio Donuts! Nothin' like 'em!
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The end of a perfect day...

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The fun has begun!!!

We love shuffleboard, especially along the shore of Lake Erie.
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Friday, August 20, 2010

A visit with Great Grandpa Fritsch

This man is such a joy to be around! At nearly 92 years old he is still driving and living independently in his home. He loves to laugh and tell stories of his younger years. I had to laugh when he was describing his brother who "...died real young. He was only 71." I guess when you're in your 90's, the 70's are "real young!" He treated us to lunch out, watched the boys play catch in his back yard, and pulled out his high school year book to show us. He has such a great attitude despite the hardships of life. He has buried two wives, and it hurts to see him so lonely. Grandma Rita died about a year and a half ago, but he says "she still sits here arguing baseball calls with me every night" as he watches the Reds on TV. "I'll never get over that girl. I tell you, I never will." Sweet. We love you, Great Grandpa Fritsch!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Infection Control

We have isolated the bugs that are making Isaac sick. The plan is to completely eradicate them by sundown with lots of rest, fluids, snuggles, movies, and games.
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Monday, August 9, 2010


This one had been hanging crooked in his mouth for far too long!
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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Ian scored the first catch of the day!

We've got the perfect campsite along a channel off Indian Lake. Great for our four budding fishermen. What's for dinner, guys?

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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Old man attempting coolness

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Caribbean Cove

We headed to Indianapolis (yes, INDIANAPOLIS!?!) for a two night stay at Caribbean Cove. It was so much fun! We went down water slides and splashed non stop for the first 6 hours we were there. I was impressed by the lifeguards and safety measures in place too. I completely embarrassed both boys by singing "Happy Birthday to Me" all the way down the slide on my big 38th. That's what mom's are for, right?

God's Beauty

I'm always amazed by the beauty our Creator has placed on the earth. He didn't have to add touches like flowers or butterflies, but He chose to. And not just one type of flower, but so many incredible varieties, colors, and scents. Take time to stop and consider what a loving, creative, detailed God we serve when you "stop and smell the roses." The One who clothes the flowers in such simple beauty, certainly cares for the intricate details of His children and their needs.

Random Fun

These two pictures have nothing to do with one another, although wearing a hard hat is probably in order around the hot wheels track! They try to see how high the cars will fly, aiming for a toy box at the end. Boys!

Little League Night at the Dayton Dragons

The teams got to walk the field and meet some players, most notably, the mascots Heater and Gem.

BMX Dirt Track

We love our local dirt track, lovingly maintained by some sweet older folks we met there one day. Ian and Isaac both have such great balance, and endurance! I prefer my seat in the shade watching them tear up the track.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Ian Louganis

Ian decided to learn how to dive yesterday at Uncle David's pool and perfected it today at the Sharkey's.

More House...

Mudroom shelves, built by Larry, behind the 3/4 walls in the dining room

Mudroom shelves

Boy's room

Living room (my girlie chair)

Boy's room (on an unusually clean day)

Our house (is a very, very, very fine house)

This one is just for JoElla. I've been promising her pictures for a long, long time...

Laughing room (otherwise known as bathroom)

Living room into hallway

Living Room

My bedroom

Dining room

So I found a few of them...

We love hiking! Especially on a beautiful day in the green, green woods. Throw in a stream for exploring and we're hooked!

Orange Crush

Ian and Isaac both played coach pitch baseball this year. It was a fun season to watch as they steadily improved and really enjoyed learning some of the finer points of the game. My brother in law Larry stepped up to the coaching plate in a big way this year, coaching both their team and Christopher's. That meant that the Strong family was at the ballfield 5 days a week. We are thankful for their dedication and for making it fun to learn baseball. Both Isaac and Ian are excellent players and really give their all when they're out there on the diamond (that's a lot of homonymns in one sentence!). Isaac is very intense and focused. Ian is a great encourager to all his teammates. I already can't wait for next season!

Camping at John Bryan State Park

I posted a brief bit earlier about our camping trip this spring to John Bryan State Park. Here are a few more shots from our time there. For some reason, my computer is not letting me post my favorite shots of our hiking but hopefully I'll get that figured out. We spent a lot of time hiking in the woods. Ian was my official fire starter (I've decided that's a guy thing!) and he was so proud of himself for getting our fire started each evening. Our site was adjacent to the camp playground, which was right up Isaac's alley. Something about being outside just makes me feel more alive. Can't wait for our next camping adventure this weekend!