Thursday, November 29, 2007

12 years old

Christian and I recently celebrated 12 years of marriage together. God is so good and so gracious to have brought us to this place. I just love this recent picture, taken by my brother, so here we are. Ever since we got married, Christian at the ripe old age of 26, was saying "I'm almost 30!" Well, today, it's official. He's almost 40! The big 39 today. Happy Birthday, Handsome!


nichole said...

What a great photo...any chance I can get a copy?

Unknown said...

Whi, woo! Mighty fine looking couple!

Paddy said...

Vakko; slow down man this Vakko is 63! Great pic! You got some handsome boys. I am blessed with 3 grandkids; Ceylin 12, Hannah 11, Ege almost 2. Business is great, fam good, The Lord is so faithful to me. Drop me a line when you can. Hope to be in the US in March; attending the NRB in Nashville.