Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve

Hard to believe that 2007 is now slipping into the history books. Isaac was hoping to stay up "late, late, late" tonight, he declared at dinner. His plate sat untouched. "Well then, you'd better eat your dinner, Isaac."

"No, I'm already energied!"

That he is. That he is...

Lego Fireboat

Our house is awash in Legos! While Isaac loves the creativity of coming up with his own unique creations, Ian is one who loves to follow the plans. He has been patiently saving up for this Lego Fireboat for a few months. It actually floats and has a motor, so it can often be found doing laps around our bathtub.

Goalie in Training

Isaac is showing a lot of skill as a soccer player, and is fearless enough to make a great goalie. And I thought the preschool ER bills were bad...

Under Fire

Look out! If you pop in unexpectedly, you may be met at the front door by my security team!

Meet our Friends

Last year for Isaac's birthday, I took the boys to "Build a Bear" to pick out a stuffed animal. Ian chose a rabbit which he named "Hopper" and Isaac picked out a smiling turtle, "Timothy". They recently used some birthday and allowance money to buy their buddies new outfits and asked that I share these pics with you. Yes, my rough and tough, "all boy" boys look very cute and innocent snuggled up with these fluffy friends each night.

Christmas Brake

No, that's not a typo. We've had a two week break from our homeschool routines and have enjoyed the time to relax and play a lot together. A few days ago, I left the house with the boys in our Saturn wagon. I didn't get very far before realizing that something was terribly wrong with our brakes. I slowly headed back home and parked it, and we took it into the shop the next morning. Seems our master cylinder needs replacing. When my dad heard about this latest car crisis, he asked, "Well, what were you studying in school this week?" (reference my earlier post about our flat tire lesson). My reply: "Well, we were on break!"

Christmas with the Leighningers

The smiles speak for themselves.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas in a nutshell...

Literally! This is an ornament that I made way back in 1984. Now I find it's a great reminder, for Christmas, "in a nutshell", really is simple. It's all about our loving Heavenly Father providing a way for us to be made right with Him. In the hustle and bustle of shopping, getting cards out, parties, concerts, baking, and decorating, let us never forget the simplicity of the Gospel and the simplicity in which He came. Emmanuel, our God is with us. Entering into the humility of life here on earth in order that He would be able to know our every trial, fear, struggle, and sorrow. Coming as a man, bearing the guilt of our sins, and dying a horrific death on the cross, yet rising victoriously to prove His eternal power over death and Hell. That is why we worship. That is why we now must dedicate our lives in loving obedience to the One who came some 2000 years ago to that lowly stable in Bethlehem.

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!"

Just thought you'd enjoy seeing a few shots from our tree decorating this past weekend. The boys did a great job helping this year. The tree looks so pretty, and yesterday they built their toy train around the base.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Celebrating Halfway!

We are done with our homeschooling for the year as of today! And we are celebrating being halfway done with our required 180 days of school. When the boys finished today, I let them have a special treat, some chocolate covered cookies from a friend. They noticed that I didn't have one for myself. I told them that was ok, but Isaac was insistent. His idea? "Ian, you're nice. Give her your cookie."

Hmmm...Guess we'll be learning about generosity in our next lesson.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

A new rope swing

This would be the backyard fun I referred to in my previous post. There probably should have been an "America's Funniest Home Videos" cameraman nearby, as the construction of this swing involved me wearing a big blue hard hat, throwing a rope with a rock tied to the end of it over a high tree branch (multiple times), standing on a picnic table and grabbing the aforementioned rock/rope with a rake, etc., etc. You get the idea. But it is always more than worth it when you see the smiles on your boys' faces. Every boy needs a "Tarzan" rope! Let's just say that I was voted, "Best Mom in the World" by Ian. Isaac said I am the best mom he's ever had!

December Ice Cream

It's been in the upper 70's here this week. Following an afternoon of backyard fun, I couldn't resist taking the boys out for some ice cream at Bruster's. In our t-shirts and shorts, on December 14th! The boys love their dirt sundaes, complete with gummy worms. Yum!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

December Sunrise

I am continually amazed by the glory of God's creation! It is incredible to think of the enormity of His creative abilities. He has formed each and every creature, all so uniquely and Divinely designed. I've always had a special love for sunrises and sunsets, feeling sometimes that God has masterfully painted them just for my pleasure. I think He has fun up there with His huge paintbrush, lavishly adding a color here, a cloud there, just to brighten up our days, to cause us to look up (literally and figuratively), to inspire our worship of such a gracious Father. This is the view from our back yard this morning. "I worship You, Almighty God! There is none like You!"

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ivabelle Barton

Many of you have been praying for my mom. Thank you! She has had her second round of chemo now and continues to maintain a positive attitude and strong faith in God to carry her through all of this. Just thought I'd post a picture of her so you can see who you're praying for.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Hard to get in the Christmas spirit...

We enjoyed a very warm day here today, though it's making it a little hard to think about Christmas. "It's beginning to look a lot like..." well, summer, actually. The boys were playing outside in shorts and t-shirts today. Christian and I spent the afternoon raking leaves in our back yard. Takes some of the fun out of raking when you're sweating (that's assuming there is any fun in raking). High tomorrow is supposed to be 76! I think we'll go Christmas tree shopping. I'm actually very jealous of friends in MN who are enjoying lots of snow right now. Even Ohio's few inches would please me (and Ian & Isaac!).

Thursday, December 6, 2007

You've been warned

Now that you've read of our flat tire incident, I felt it only right to warn you: my dear friend who is using the same homeschool curriculum that I am, also had a flat tire the week that she taught about simple machines! So, to all you teachers, BEWARE! Or at least be sure you have a new set of Michelins before you tackle simple machines.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Just so as to include all our family members, here is a picture of our handsome Ian too!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Obedience (as defined by Isaac)

The boys were "helping" me cook last night. They were eating the bits of celery, though, faster than I could get it chopped and into the bowl.

"Isaac, don't eat any more celery. I need it for the recipe."
He picks up some more celery and eats it happily.
"Isaac, what did you just do?"
"I only ate two pieces, mom."
"If I say 'Don't eat any more celery,' and you eat two pieces, is that obedience?"
"Let's try this again. If I say, 'Don't eat any more celery,' and you eat two pieces, are you obeying?"
Isaac's answer: "It's obeying. It's just not that obeying."

He'd be much easier to discipline if he weren't so cute!