Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas in a nutshell...

Literally! This is an ornament that I made way back in 1984. Now I find it's a great reminder, for Christmas, "in a nutshell", really is simple. It's all about our loving Heavenly Father providing a way for us to be made right with Him. In the hustle and bustle of shopping, getting cards out, parties, concerts, baking, and decorating, let us never forget the simplicity of the Gospel and the simplicity in which He came. Emmanuel, our God is with us. Entering into the humility of life here on earth in order that He would be able to know our every trial, fear, struggle, and sorrow. Coming as a man, bearing the guilt of our sins, and dying a horrific death on the cross, yet rising victoriously to prove His eternal power over death and Hell. That is why we worship. That is why we now must dedicate our lives in loving obedience to the One who came some 2000 years ago to that lowly stable in Bethlehem.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I realized after I posted that you may not be able to really tell that the ornament is made in half of a walnut shell. : )