Thursday, January 3, 2008

Aaahh...The Art of Alliteration

Ian and Isaac (you can tell already that I love alliteration, can't you?) are studying poetry in school this week. In fact, they can both quote Robert Frost's "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" from memory. Anyway, as a part of our studies, we explored alliteration today and crafted this fun little poem together (they came up with the lists of words and I arranged them into a poem). Enjoy!

Of Czars and Zebras
The Czar of Zealand found a zig-zag in his zipper,
So he called on the zany zebra to play the xylophone with zing.
Awakened, the slippery snake slipped into his slipper
And said, "I see the sun suddenly shining and it seems I must sing!"

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