Thursday, October 30, 2008

Birthday Highlights

Happy 7th Birthday, Ian!

We celebrated with the usual presents here at home, but also included his friends this year with a skateboard themed party at our church. His buddy Andrew also turns 7 this week, so we had fun celebrating both of them. The kids brought their wheels and had the run of the parking lot. Andrew's mom had lots of great games planned for the kids and everyone had such a fun time.

I can't believe how quickly the years have passed. Ian seems to be getting taller and smarter every day. He looks so long lying in his bed asleep each night. I can't believe that the boy I once carried so easily in one arm is now almost too heavy for me to lift.

Ian, you have grown into a precious young man. I love your big smile and bright eyes. I makes my heart sing to hear your laughter, especially when we're having a good "tickle torture" session. You bring joy to me with your servant's heart, tender spirit, and generous nature. I love to see the ways you care for and look out for your little brother. I pray you will always be each other's best friend. You have such a sweet hunger for God and His Word. Sometimes your understanding of the things of God amazes me. Always keep that hunger and passion. He is truly your life and your everything. Trust in Him. Lean on Him. Learn of Him. I love you!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

There's no place like HOME school!

I am humbled that the God of the universe would stoop to hear our hearts' cries. My boys will be coming back home for school! I've known for several weeks that God was working out the details to make this possible; today I finally got to tell Ian and Isaac. What fun! They are so excited. Isaac said he was so happy that even his crayons were smiling! Ian's only complaint was this, "Oh man, I wish I could bring home my hymn book. I love those songs." I was quick to let him know I have a hymn book (and a piano) and we can sing hymns every morning if he wants to. God is good!

P.S. The big "present" is actually the door to our school room, all wrapped up.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Could they look any sweeter?


After a long day of school, an evening of backyard fun, and an after-dinner "tickle torture" session, it didn't take long for their busy minds and bodies to succomb to sleep. They both sleep best when they're snuggled up next to each other. Rest well, my precious babies.
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You might be a redneck if...


...this is your idea of an evening on the golf course. I looked up to see the boys doing this and exclaiming, "Mom, we're playing golf!" Fancy club there, culled from our growing "stick pile". And that green ball? Tiger Woods may want to try out these fallen beauties from the tree in our backyard! Classic! (especially when you add the bike helmet and sweat bands).
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Saturday, October 11, 2008

I said, "Smile, Ian!"

A few of my favorite things!

Happy 5 1/2, Isaac!

Looks innocent enough, but when I did the laundry, I found a large amount of chocolate frosting all down the back of Isaac's shirt!?! How do they manage to make these messes? Thank goodness for Shout!

Wonderful Wildebeests!

Ian had his first big "science project" due at school shortly after we returned from Cincy. Fresh on his mind was the IMAX movie about the African Serengeti. So when he had to pick any animal, tame or wild, to research, he chose wildebeests! We were able to find some great pictures off the internet (thank goodness, cuz I sure didn't have any on my memory card!) and he remembered a lot of the facts from the movie about their amazing annual migration north. He also had to draw his own picture of his chosen animal. When I asked him the next day if his teacher liked his poster, he said, "Yes. She said it was the best wildebeest poster she had ever seen!" I'm sure it was!

Got her!

I even managed to sneak in a quick breakfast rendevous with my precious sister, Susan, and sweet Emily. The only downside to our time was that I inadvertantly left my Bible at First Watch in Cincinnati--and didn't realize it until I got home to SC the next day! They were kind enough to Fed Ex it back to me quite quickly.

Jammin' with Uncle Greg

Grandfather's brother, Greg, is quite the talented guitar player and song writer. Saturday night we all invaded his house for a "Jam Session"--Frank even carted a drum kit up the hill for the evening. The boys tried their hand at the drums under Grandfather's tutelege. What a fun evening. Greg on guitar, Frank on drums, Kim and I on the keyboards. The boys also enjoyed getting up close and personal with a real drag racer. It was LOUD!

Cincinnati, OH

We made a quick trip up to Ohio two weeks ago for a very monumental celebration. The boys' great-grandpa, Frank Fritsch, turned 90, and we couldn't pass up the chance to join in the festivities. Grandfather drove all the way from Wyoming, so it was a treat to see him again too. The boys had a great time playing with Grandfather and hearing Great-Grandpa's stories from life in the early 1900's. He bought his first car for $7! We went to the Cincinnati Children's Museum, housed in the old Union Terminal. What a treat! Lots of things to explore and an amazing IMAX movie on the Serengeti plains of Africa. We managed to pull off the surprise party for Great-Grandpa at Ryan's--though the poor man was so busy catching up with friends and family that he never got to eat! The boys also got to play at an awesome playground in a park where Grandfather played when he was a little boy. Great memories!

As a humorous aside, I was really having a hard time deciding whether or not to go. With gas prices being what they are, and the short nature of the trip (I drove up on Thursday and returned Sunday), I was hesitating about going. Wednesday night I was praying about it and said, "There's just no verse in the Bible that will tell me, 'Drive to Cincinnati tomorrow!' Thursday morning I opened "My Utmost for His Highest" to find this verse, "If someone compels you to go one mile, go with him two." I took that as my answer! (though I told Frank it didn't say anything about the other 420 miles!) I'm so glad we went! And so glad God guides us every step of the way.

The Big Dig

Christian took the boys to the Big Dig again this year, and it never disappoints! As a fund raiser for Goodwill, they bring in all this heavy construction equipment and the kids buy tickets to take a turn at operating them. Both boys got into the digging as you can see in the pictures. The lines were long, but it was a beautiful day and well worth the wait!