Wednesday, October 29, 2008

There's no place like HOME school!

I am humbled that the God of the universe would stoop to hear our hearts' cries. My boys will be coming back home for school! I've known for several weeks that God was working out the details to make this possible; today I finally got to tell Ian and Isaac. What fun! They are so excited. Isaac said he was so happy that even his crayons were smiling! Ian's only complaint was this, "Oh man, I wish I could bring home my hymn book. I love those songs." I was quick to let him know I have a hymn book (and a piano) and we can sing hymns every morning if he wants to. God is good!

P.S. The big "present" is actually the door to our school room, all wrapped up.

1 comment:

Patty said...

Laura, this is truly a cool thing that God has done, to grant you such a desire of your heart! I love your idea of wrapping the door with the note. What did the boys think?