Thursday, December 31, 2009

Out with the old...

The mudroom turned out so nicely, I thought I'd sweep the bathroom.

Just kidding!

Thought the boys better start the new year with a little less hair!
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Too much Sake!

They're running around the house with spatulas and knives. So far I've lost one egg. That's what I get for literally just turning my back for a moment!
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We've been doing a lot of house decorating this week!

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My "quiet place"

This quilt was made for me by a friend in Greenville and is signed on the back by all of my precious Calvary Chapel of Greenville "family". It's a precious reminder of their love and prayers for us. Deborah simply asked me what colors I had in my bedroom and somehow the fabrics she chose match my tones of my bedding perfectly! What a treasure!
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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My "happy place"

There's an odd mix on my dining room table tonight--the cordless DeWalt, drill bits, tealight candles, and scraps of grossgrain ribbons. But don't you agree with me that the mess is worth this end result?!? It turned out just perfectly! Girly doo-dads on my walls. Yeah!
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Saturday, December 26, 2009

This is another one of those "perfection" shots...

I guess I should sweep the mudroom more often! This pile's closest competitor lies a few feet away in the dining room. Ok, back to cleaning now!
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Isaac's new toy

Seems to fit his personality just right! Wish they made one in my size--it looks like super cool, 360 degree fun!!!
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All in a day's work...

...Much to the neglect of my housework. But it's way more fun to build Legos with my two favorite guys!
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Friday, December 25, 2009

Two gifts that brought tears to my eyes

How I will treasure these always! My mom helped my boys create these for me. Ian learned to cross stitch and worked on this bookmark so diligently while staying at my parents' last week. Then Isaac used plastic canvas to create his cross bookmark this week. They did an amazing job and really surprised me! Thank you, sons! I'm proud to be your mama! I love you more than you'll ever know, Ian and Isaac.
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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Some kind of nasty bug's got us down...

But hopefully not for long!

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Perfection nonsense

Is it just me? Am I the only person not living a perfectly choreographed, painstakingly organized, poshly decorated, and professionally photographed existence?

Ok, I'll confess, I have a few favorite blogs I enjoy reading. It's my "adult conversation" in this empty house after the boys are in bed. But after a week of my internet being down and then feeling like I needed to "catch up" on all my "friends", I felt like I overdosed on blogs a bit. After peeking in on the pretty parts of people's lives (let's face it, that's what we put out there for everyone to see), I had to chuckle when I opened my fridge to see this mess!

It instantly took my mind to two bloggers' recent refrigerator posts--one in which the author was given an amazing new state-of-the-art fridge and another in which a different author was extolling the virtues of her fridge organizing skills--everything neatly tucked into sleek tupperware storage beauties.

Let's just say, that is SO not my life right now! Here you'll find two week old chicken leftovers, groceries still in the bags hastily tossed in to stay cold between grocery shopping and a quick trip to the library, and containers of creamer balancing sideways.


And for all of you who used to think I was a perfectionist--NOT!
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Friday, November 27, 2009

Stained glass beauty

I love our little church with it's old stained glass windows. I know it's not about the building, but you have to admit there's something nice about the sun shining through these!
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Friday, November 20, 2009

She sure looks comfy!

Why is it that the member of the family contributing the least around here gets to spend the majority of the day in MY bed!?!
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Saturday, November 14, 2009

OCC Shoeboxes

Every year we have a blast choosing gifts for our shoeboxes. And than we enjoy the challenge of fitting all of our choices into the box!!! I must say this year's boxes are bursting at the seams. And we're going to try a new aspect this year--helping out at our local collection center. Can't wait to pitch in!
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Awana grand prix

What a fun morning! The boys had a great time painting their cars--Isaac's "wave runner" and Ian's "big cheese". Ian came in 6th place!
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Monday, November 9, 2009

Pics from the zoo

So I was having a little trouble finding my pics for the last post. Ready or not, here I come!

A walk on the wild side

Today we took a field trip to the Cincinnati Zoo. Some favorites were the polar bears, penguins, bats, bonobo monkeys, giraffes, and numerous colorful birds. It's always amazing to see the variety of God's creation. We had a fun time and enjoyed the warm weather on this November day.

Where can I buy a sign like this?

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Friday, November 6, 2009

My budding reader!

Ian is really an excellent reader for being in second grade. He's venturing into chapter books! And yes, that's FINALLY our new ottoman he's lying on to complete our living room--just in today, ordered August 20th!
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Thursday, November 5, 2009


...These are the two cutest guys on the face of the earth. They sure brighten my days!
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Home improvements

Laid new yellow carpet in the front yard this week. May I recommend the best Installer in the universe?
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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Frost covered leaves

Not exactly what you're hoping to see when you're sleeping in a tent!
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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Roof guys

So maybe I spoke too soon with that last post. This may be an even better kind of "high"! The kids were very excited to help Uncle Larry with his shed roofing job yesterday. When I arrived from work, Ian came running to me talking excitedly about how he had gotten to help on the roof and even shoot a few nails. All in a day's work!
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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The best kind of "high"

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The problem with buying Graeter's by the pint...

...Is that the nutrition facts are staring you right in the face! Now I know why they scoop it quickly into cones! But can I just say that their cookie dough chunk is my favorite. Move over Bruster's!
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Monday, September 28, 2009

Homeschool day at the Air Force Museum

Lots of cool discoveries! And it's all free!!!
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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mom's new "throne"

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Our new couch!

Finally, a place to sit in our living room! Very comfy!

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Saturday, September 5, 2009

I wish I were a camel!


I would just like to have a pedicure, much less a day off afterwards!

This is an undoctored photo from our visit to African Wildlife Safari in Port Clinton. The boys were pretty disappointed that the camels were off duty during our time there. Bummer. But good if you're the camel. They treat those "ladies" right!
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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fun in the sun

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Monday, August 17, 2009

The kitchen is all unpacked!

Yeah! Now maybe we can eat something besides fast food--little too much of that these past few weeks! Thanks to my mom, the boys and I sat down to a home cooked meal of meatloaf, baked potatoes, beets, and Belgian bread. Served on real plates even. Feels good to be making this our home after 4 months in limbo.
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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sweet memories of good friends

I'm finding myself really missing all my precious Greenville friends these days. The Fishers gave the boys these two cute magnetic guys as a reminder of some fun times throwing their own magnetic duck onto their fridge and judging his landings. They make me smile everytime I see them.
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Saturday, August 15, 2009

We're HOME!!!

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

A work in progress

We are nearing the day when we will move into our new house and finally unpack all the boxes we've been living with for 4 months! Most of my work has been painting all the white walls. Larry is tackling the hard stuff. He (and 4 young boys) ripped up all the carpet in the dining room and he has now built my little "mudroom" at the back door. Next step--lay the laminate flooring! Lookin' good! And all this comes after Larry's week at the extreme home makeover. What a talented guy! Great brother-in-law to have around.
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Monday, August 3, 2009

First home cooked meal...

...In our newly blue kitchen!
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"Know why I saved all my Sprite?"

"So I could drink it all down and burp really loud!"

Gotta love boys!
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Friday, July 24, 2009

Some serious 2 o'clock shadows

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Prize Winning Lion

Near the end of the school year the boys and I were studying lions and decided to make a lion sculpture out of whatever we could find lying around the house. This is how he turned out, and I just couldn't bear to part with him quite yet when it came time to move. So despite the eye-rolling of my friend who was helping me pack, he earned a stow away ride in the dining room hutch.

Then I learned of the library's "build an animal out of recycled household items" contest and just knew he'd fit the bill. His body is a large tin can covered in construction paper, feather covered paper plate mane, dowels from cloth wall calendars for legs, egg carton cups for feet complete with plastic fork claws and teeth. My favorite is his tail, made out of a frayed out shoelace that picked up lots of grass in the soccer field--Isaac gets credit for that idea.

It appears the judges agreed and our little lion won first place! Now there's a reason to be a packrat! Just don't tell my parents. They don't need any further justification!
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The solution for too much arguing...

...Just organize a water flute band! They can't talk and it demands cooperation.

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Friday, July 17, 2009

It's official

The airshow parade has begun!

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Like mother, like son

The sun has set on a busy day of birthday celebrating--breakfast at Bill's Donuts, a day at the Newport Aquarium, and a picnic dinner with my wonderful family. We played hard and will now sleep well. Ian and I had to take the trash out to the road when we got home tonight and this is how we found Isaac when we came back in. My family used to always tease me about how "stiff" I slept. Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I don't know if I ever balanced my stuffed animals quite like that though!

Thanks for the many kind birthday wishes. I'm so thankful for my loving family!!!
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I'm trying to remember how to ride a bike.

My family bought me a great surprise for my birthday. My brother nearly ran me over with it before I noticed what was up!
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Friday, July 10, 2009

One less tooth to brush

Isaac has joined the toothless, money-hungry world of first graders, courtesy of Aunt Susan on Wednesday. Say cheese!

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Up close and personal

Isaac used his "first tooth" loot to purchase a bug vacuum today. We caught an awesome moth on the back porch!

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Thursday, July 9, 2009

1st Annual G.D.L.L. Convention

While the global politicians prefer locations like Europe, apparently the grand-daddy long legs have chosen our porch ceiling. There were 14 out here tonight as we relaxed on the swing (that is, until I caught wind of their "summit"--these guys are giving me the willies!)
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Friday, July 3, 2009


The latest Clone from Star Wars-- aka Happy 11th Birth Day--made by yours truly for my nephew Christopher. Hard to believe he's getting so old!
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