Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Prize Winning Lion

Near the end of the school year the boys and I were studying lions and decided to make a lion sculpture out of whatever we could find lying around the house. This is how he turned out, and I just couldn't bear to part with him quite yet when it came time to move. So despite the eye-rolling of my friend who was helping me pack, he earned a stow away ride in the dining room hutch.

Then I learned of the library's "build an animal out of recycled household items" contest and just knew he'd fit the bill. His body is a large tin can covered in construction paper, feather covered paper plate mane, dowels from cloth wall calendars for legs, egg carton cups for feet complete with plastic fork claws and teeth. My favorite is his tail, made out of a frayed out shoelace that picked up lots of grass in the soccer field--Isaac gets credit for that idea.

It appears the judges agreed and our little lion won first place! Now there's a reason to be a packrat! Just don't tell my parents. They don't need any further justification!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

Patty said...

That lion IS fantastic! Great job!