Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy Birthday to Ian!

Ian celebrated his ninth birthday on the 23rd. Where do the years go? I could go on and on about how quickly he's grown, but I'd rather just tell you what a great son I have! I'm so proud of the character I see developing in him and his sensitivity to God's Spirit. So many times he encourages this weary mommy. He has the best smile and laughter. He has a heart to truly serve others. He amazes me sometimes the way he prays for people. He has a quick mind for math and science. He hates English (but who doesn't?). He works hard at everything set in front of him. He loves anything with speed and wheels (and again, what boy doesn't?). His current favorites are his Ripstick and his BMX bike. He recently asked me, "Mom, when I go to college, wouldn't it be cool if I could get a degree in...everything?" That's Ian, my eager learner!

He requested a "sharp shooter" birthday party, spurred in part by our study of the Wild West last year. That and his love of all things Nerf. We had lots of target shooting games and of course, a target on his cake. Ian and I also got to enjoy a trip to an amazing (pun intended) corn maze with his AWANA group. It was a beautiful, fun filled day.

I love you, my precious firstborn son!

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