Thursday, February 21, 2008

There's got to be a diagnosis for this...

Ok, so I admit, there's got to be some component of obsessive-compulsion here, but this perfectionist, control freak couldn't handle the massive pile of legos threatening to overtake the family room. So Ian and Isaac joined me in organizing them all. Took a few hours, but we're so pleased with the results. Now I wonder how long it will take them to dis-organize them? There is an ulterior motive--Ian is participating in a Lego contest Saturday at our library and can only use basic Lego blocks for his creations. So we needed to sort them out anyway... Yes, I'm certifiable.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No issues here. It is a survival must for Mom's who don't want to drown in the stuff. Cheers to you! I think your boys say the best stuff, although the comments of being medium and large deserve a trip to the place of perpetual tickling, don't you think? You look great! Heather