Sunday, April 27, 2008

All things become new

On August 28th of last year, Isaac found this huge green caterpillar at a park. We brought him home and put him in a large plastic container with some leaves and sticks. Because of his "suction cup" feet, we named him "Sticky". We consulted a caterpillar identification website and determined he would become a polyphemus moth. The next morning when we awoke, we couldn't find him. We couldn't understand how he had escaped the nice little home we made for him. Eventually we found him in his chrysalis, carefully camoflauged in some leaves. And we began waiting...

Yesterday, eight months later, the boys came running into my room, "Sticky's coming out!" Sure enough, there he was, wrinkled wings, clumsy (and very hairy) legs, and feathery looking antennae. What a cool creature (and a very big one too!) We spent over two hours outside, just watching him shake his new wings and try out his new legs. We never did get to see him fly (eventually you have to go to bed), but he must've figured out how sometime during the night, as he was gone this morning.

What an amazing Creator we have. And a gracious Saviour! It was cool to be able to share with the boys, both in August and now as we saw the transformed "Sticky", how our own lives can mirror this change. "If any man is in Christ, he is a new creation. Old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new!" (II Cor. 5:17). Nothing about Sticky looked the same. And he had some learning to do about these new ways. A good reminder to turn our backs on old sinful ways, and also to be patient with our brothers and sisters in Christ as we learn how to walk in the new light we've been given. We were just about to throw out Sticky; I'm glad we didn't miss seeing the moth he became. And I'm thankful for God's patience with us as He transforms us into His image.

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