Thursday, October 30, 2008

Birthday Highlights

Happy 7th Birthday, Ian!

We celebrated with the usual presents here at home, but also included his friends this year with a skateboard themed party at our church. His buddy Andrew also turns 7 this week, so we had fun celebrating both of them. The kids brought their wheels and had the run of the parking lot. Andrew's mom had lots of great games planned for the kids and everyone had such a fun time.

I can't believe how quickly the years have passed. Ian seems to be getting taller and smarter every day. He looks so long lying in his bed asleep each night. I can't believe that the boy I once carried so easily in one arm is now almost too heavy for me to lift.

Ian, you have grown into a precious young man. I love your big smile and bright eyes. I makes my heart sing to hear your laughter, especially when we're having a good "tickle torture" session. You bring joy to me with your servant's heart, tender spirit, and generous nature. I love to see the ways you care for and look out for your little brother. I pray you will always be each other's best friend. You have such a sweet hunger for God and His Word. Sometimes your understanding of the things of God amazes me. Always keep that hunger and passion. He is truly your life and your everything. Trust in Him. Lean on Him. Learn of Him. I love you!

1 comment:

Patty said...

Happy Belated B Day beautiful boy! :)