Friday, February 6, 2009

Got some catchin' up to do...

A friend recently commented in her blog how she "hadn't blogged in forever" and her last post was dated just a few weeks ago. I wonder what she'd say of my pathetic blogging habits? Well, pull up a chair and enjoy a quick pictorial review of our last few months. You may want to scroll down to the end of the 2009 posts and work your way back up so it's in order. My apologies on depriving you all of your Ian and Isaac fixes for so long.

Mom makes everything better!


What a precious treat to have a visit from my mom last week! While it was supposedly a birthday present for her, it was purely selfish on my part. It had been 5 years since she'd been in my home. It was so special to get to introduce her to our wonderful friends and church "family" here. While it was also supposed to be a relaxing time for her, we stayed very busy. Walked around our favorite park downtown, went to the Greenville Zoo (even had a cold picnic on January 30th!), drove up into the mountains, went to our ladies tea at church, and had a rousing game of backyard basketball on her final day with us. Such precious memories. Thank you, dad, for allowing me to steal her away for the week, and thank you to David & Julie, Larry & Susan for helping transport her halfway to me.
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Ian's favorite gift


...his remote controlled helicopter. Love that smile!
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The sun sets on Christmas


The view as we drove up Paris Mountain for Christmas dinner with our friends.
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The best thing under my tree this year!


I won't bore you with pictures of every present, but suffice it to say that the boys were really blessed this year at Christmas. Thank you to everyone who went out of their way to make Ian and Isaac's day extra special. We felt your love and prayers behind every present.
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The apple doesn't fall far from the tree...


Can you tell what Isaac enjoyed most at Mike's graduation party? The chocolate fondue fountain! Makes a mother proud.
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All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!


Ian lost his just in time to hear this song a lot over the holidays.
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The boys' favorite--sting ray/shark touch tank

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Talk about bed-head!

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Fish Everywhere!

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Cool Octopus!

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The Whale Shark (and friends)

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Georgia Aquarium


My pictures here won't do it justice, but what an experience! Billed as the world's largest aquarium, it didn't disappoint! We stood in awe of God's incredible underwater creation through aquarium after aquarium of amazing displays. My favorite were the jellyfish; the boys loved petting the sting rays. We could've stayed there for days!
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I love it when a plan comes together...


To finish up our medieval studies, we discovered a "Medieval Times" dinner theatre at the Outlet Mall while visiting the Lego store. The boys got to see several suits of armour up close and a huge display of swords. How timely is that?! I love it when God weaves these little added lessons into our days, despite my sometimes disorganized style.
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Lego Store!


A December Highlight for the boys was a trip to the Lego Outlet near Atlanta, GA. I picked up lots of Christmas presents and the boys just enjoyed looking at everything Lego, especially the pick-a-brick wall.
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Dipping Candles


We also made our own candles to light up our Dark Ages.
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Castle Construction


During a week or two of studying Medieval Times, we constructed this castle from various cardboard boxes, canisters, paper towel tubes, popsicle get the idea. The boys were so proud of their work. It even has a working drawbridge, thanks to our bridge studies last year.
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O Tannenbaum

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Proof that I'm humble...


Don't you think this new tall hairdo makes my face look skinnier?!?

My boys laugh at my bed-head each morning. And I laugh right along with them!
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