Friday, February 6, 2009

Got some catchin' up to do...

A friend recently commented in her blog how she "hadn't blogged in forever" and her last post was dated just a few weeks ago. I wonder what she'd say of my pathetic blogging habits? Well, pull up a chair and enjoy a quick pictorial review of our last few months. You may want to scroll down to the end of the 2009 posts and work your way back up so it's in order. My apologies on depriving you all of your Ian and Isaac fixes for so long.


DBarton said...

"2008 (130)"

Is that your monthly total for 2008...? :)

Anonymous said...

And my blog has pictures on it from last Christmas ... and that's it. : ) You are a rock star, Laura! You are doing great. Just great. Love you so much.

Patty said...

Happy Heart Day Laura! Love you! :)