Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Sister, My Friend

Today is my sister Susan's birthday. Words cannot adequately express how much this woman means to me. There is simply something special about sharing your life and your heart with someone from birth. We all long to be "known" and Susan knows me like few do. I am blessed to call her not just sister, but also friend. Without her sacrificial giving to my boys and I, we could not continue to homeschool. She loves my boys as her own and gives so much of herself, her time, and her energy to us. I'm so excited for her to now be closing out her home business and be able to focus on what she does best--being a wife, mom, and teacher. I admire her as a godly woman. She has a depth with God that inspires me and she's not afraid to share out of her experience with others. She is one of the most beautiful women I know. Happy 37, Susan! I love you!

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