Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Obedience (as defined by Isaac)

The boys were "helping" me cook last night. They were eating the bits of celery, though, faster than I could get it chopped and into the bowl.

"Isaac, don't eat any more celery. I need it for the recipe."
He picks up some more celery and eats it happily.
"Isaac, what did you just do?"
"I only ate two pieces, mom."
"If I say 'Don't eat any more celery,' and you eat two pieces, is that obedience?"
"Let's try this again. If I say, 'Don't eat any more celery,' and you eat two pieces, are you obeying?"
Isaac's answer: "It's obeying. It's just not that obeying."

He'd be much easier to discipline if he weren't so cute!


Susan said...

That is an absolute riot and I can just picture him saying that!!! It also sounds like something his cousin Zach would come up with. And I totally get the too hard to discipline because they are too cute thing!!! What is the background in that picture?? It looks like an amazing mural or something.

Laura said...

This was taken at Scholotzsky's Deli and it is an amazing mural of--what else?--a sandwich!

nichole said...

He truly is my nephew : )
Give the boys a BIG hug from aunt nichole - I miss them LOTS!

Unknown said...

What a profound thought! So cute!
