Thursday, February 21, 2008

Quotable Quotes

Ian is learning beginning addition, so both boys are fascinated with math at the moment. They love to lie in bed at night and ask each other math questions.
"Isaac, what's 3 + 1?"
"Ian, what's 2 + 2?"
I loved this one though:
"Ian, what's 80 + 80?"
"I have no idea," says Ian.
"82!" is Isaac's clever answer.

I was praying with the boys at bedtime tonight and paused at "God, thank you so much for..."
Isaac chimed in "laughness".
Yes, thank you, God, for laughness! We sure enjoy a lot of it around here.

Ian was sitting on the couch tonight, taking a break from our Lego Sorting Mania, when he suddenly exclaimed "Oh man, I think I just passed some chest pain!" Only the son of a paramedic would come out with something like that. I started laughing, which he didn't like. "Mom, I'm serious, I just felt like my heart was racing." Ok, but you have to admit that was a funny way to phrase it!

And this one's painful:
The boys were complementing me with "you're the best mom ever" sorts of phrases, so I just joined in and started listing all the wonderful things about me. "Yes, I'm the best mom ever, I'm the funnest mom ever, I'm the most beautiful mom ever, I'm the skinniest mom ever, I'm the most creative mom ever..."
"No, mom, you're not the skinniest." (names withheld to protect the guilty)
"What do you mean? Now my feelings are hurt," joking.
"Moms are supposed to be a perfect size and you're...medium."
The other one adds, "No, you're large."
Where's the love???

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