Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of School

Well, we all made it through the morning and got them to school on time, despite Isaac asking for his covers back when I awoke him before 7 this morning. I can't believe my baby is in kindergarten and Ian is a first grader. I know they will learn so much and enjoy making new friends. And I did an admirable job of holding the tears at bay till I got back in the car...

I can't wait to hear their stories when I pick them up!


The Eberle Family said...

I cannot even imagine when all my kiddos are in school!! Tears were very much in order!! Hope this finds you well---love keeping up with you via your blog!! Take care--

Anonymous said...

Hello guys,

I know you had a great first day at school and i like your art and desks. Have a great time learning, boys, :)
