Monday, February 25, 2008

The Leighninger Castle

For all you devoted Ian fans out there, here is the update on Ian's Lego competition. We spent a good part of Saturday hanging out at the Library while Ian diligently constructed this awesome castle. He actually ran out of time and didn't really get to finish what he had in mind, but we were very proud of him for sticking with it. Leighninger Castle includes a doorway hidden behind the working drawbridge, a kitchen area, bedroom, look out tower, and "secret compartment". Security features included a good old fashioned moat! Though it didn't garner him a prize from the judges (were they blind?), it is now featured as the centerpiece of our dining room table. Though he was disappointed at not winning (harder on mom and dad, I think!), he is already planning for next year's contest, so I give him an A for sportsmanship.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hey, Ian--Grammy just checked out the Blog and saw the pictures of the
Leighninger Castle. I'm so glad that you had a good time at the Lego
building contest and I think that you did a fantastic job with your
project! I think it was very creative with the moat, drawbridge, secret
room, etc. Congratulations on a job well done!

Love, Grammy =O=